Graduate School Information

Research Support and Scholarships

Research guidance systems and scholarships supporting research students

Research Support

Graduate Student Lab

The Graduate School of International Politics, Economics, and Communication has a graduate student lab on the 6th floor of Building 11 (private desks provided for each student) as well as a graduate student lab on the 8th floor of the Soken Building (Building 14). The labs have individual lockers and internet access that you can use if you bring your own laptop and LAN cable.

Support from the International Politics and Economics Society

Graduate students will belong to the International Politics and Economics Society upon program enrollment, and, in addition to being able to contribute articles to the society’s journal, the Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Economics and Business, they can receive support for presentations at academic conferences and publishing papers.

Research Guidance

Seminars (Thesis/Topical Research Guidance)

At this graduate school, a master’s thesis or research on a specific topic is required to complete the program, and seminars taught by advising professors are set up to guide students on their thesis and research. Seminars I and II are required subjects in the second year of the program, but it is recommended that students decide on an advising professor and attend Seminar I in the second semester of the first year (the credits are treated as part of the B group of subjects).

Japanese Language Support for Foreign Exchange Students

Students can have a native Japanese tutor check their written expressions and notations, as needed, when they are drafting a thesis or assignment in Japanese.

Scholarship System