青山国際政経論集 著者一覧

ピョートル E. ポダルコ(Podalko, Petr E.)

ピョートル E. ポダルコ(Podalko, Petr E.)

日本の<西欧化への窓口>となった神戸 - 来日ロシア人の研究に関する考察


太平洋戦争と日本在住の亡命ロシア人- 第二次世界大戦終結60周年をめぐって -

The Russian Community in Kobe: A Historical Overview



General V.K.Samoyloff: A Military Man Who Worked for Peace―from The History of Russian Diplomacy in the XX Century―



日露戦争の105周年を迎えて 日本捕虜体験を語るロシア人―ロシアにおけるマツヤマのイメージをめぐって―


Eurasian Regionalism Looking East: Adapting to Challenges, Searching for New Models

Student's representations of the neighboring countries: Russia and Japan. (Comparative studies)

「過去振返り,現状考察」亡命ロシア人の親日派 パーヴェル・ワスケーヴィチの回想録をめぐって(その1)

Modernization of the Education System in Russia: Problems and Prospects

Ally on Enemy: Japan in the Eyes of Russian Diplomats and Military Agents, 1900-1907

The Problem of a National Identity: Should Language Be a Trump Card in State-Making?


"University Cities" in Russia, France and Japan: Similarities and Peculiarties in the Context of Higher Education Internationalization

Russian Language in Japan

Russia and Siberia: The Beginning of the Penetration of Russian People into Siberia, the Campaign of Ataman Yermak and its Consequences

Russia and Siberia: Completion of the Annexation of Western Siberia and the Exit of Russian People to the Yenisei River

Russia and Siberia:Russian People’s Entry Into the Lena Basin and Russian-Yakut Relations

Russia and Siberia: Russian People’s Entry into Transbaikalia and the Amur Region